#Interview with Neeraj Rathore – Digital Marketing Expert

Interview with Neeraj Rathore - Digital Marketing Expert
Interview with Neeraj Rathore - Digital Marketing Expert

Neeraj Rathore is a well known Digital Marketer. He belongs to Shivpuri, Madhya pardesh. Interview with Neeraj Rathore on Digital Guruji.

Neeraj Rathore Interview

Digital Guruji : Hi!! Will you please introduce yourself to our readers?

Neeraj Rathore : It’s my pleasure to introduce myself. I’m Neeraj Rathore from Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh. Currently, I’m a graduate. I am into the field of working online from 2014 and I am making a handsome amount of money from my work.

Digital Guruji : How did you come up with the name for your company?

Neeraj Rathore : In this era of unlimited choices, a startup is required to build a brand that is consistent, memorable and differentiated to captivate consumers and eventually capture mind share. Brand position and reputation are built slowly and earned over a period of time, and the process takes years. I found my brand name the best suite for this business.

Digital Guruji : What is your USP, which makes it unique & different from other start-ups in similar domains?

Neeraj Rathore : My brand is nothing but people’s perception of a product which is unique to it. Most brands today aim for uniqueness in desirable and frill qualities missing out developing the mandatory offerings of a product and thus deviating into a pool of products that confuse people with too many things to offer. Hence in a time like today when most of the brands are fighting to establish points of differences I as a consumer will vote up for a brand that fights to convert a point of parity into a point of difference it self by providing core benefits of the highest grade. For example if we are talking about a dairy product, lets say plain simple milk, lets give the consumer milk to drink that is just pure, unadulterated, fresh, warm milk unlike the rest 10-20 brands that have all sort of
vitamins injected. Of course the right message strategies need to be identified to bring consumers back from a frenzy of products offering fancy stuffs to a product that deals with just raw core benefits.

Digital Guruji : What were the first few months like?

Neeraj Rathore : I was frustrated, but still was working hard. They were disappointing but always gave me motivation to move ahead. Initial stages are always difficult.

Digital Guruji : What are the major challenges you face ?

Neeraj Rathore : New Businesses face all kinds of problems.Finance, Promotion, Operations in every sort. The main problem is finance. How to divide the limited budget that your business is liquid enough to incur all expenditures. The key to problems is struggling and working.

Digital Guruji : How do you overcome these challenges?

Neeraj Rathore : I Have a firm belief and I can go through. Success comes after failure.

Try try and try! You will get through the hurdle eventually. That is how I did it.

Digital Guruji : Tell us about the people who impacted your journey.

Neeraj Rathore : My Family and friends were always very supportive and helpful in my journey.

Digital Guruji : What has been the proudest moment of your career.

Neeraj Rathore : I feel proud every single time. The people who laughed and mocked at me during the initial stages are in a great shock today. They criticized me and said you cannot do it and I replied to the naysayers through the voice of my success today.

Digital Guruji : What kind of culture exists in your organization, and how did you establish it?

Neeraj Rathore : In my organization our cultures are INTEGRITY, LEARNING ATTITUDE, CONSULTATION, EDIFICATION AND EXPECTATION.Integrity to always remain truthful and honest in dealing with people, learning attitude we all learn everyday no one knows all so everyone in my organization has the opportunity to share ideas, contribute and also learn Officially my company was incorporated in 2014, this is the official legal start year, for the company. However, the journey started well before this date for me.

I had always wanted to own my own business, I saw it as a fantastic way of creating something you are passionate about succeeding at something.

Digital Guruji : Did you raise funding for your venture? If yes, then please tell us how you got that.

Neeraj Rathore : No, I was having nothing at the starting, I used my little personal funds.

Digital Guruji : How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful?

Neeraj Rathore : Publicizing your business does not have to end your budget, cost thousands of pesos or take you to bankruptcy. Therefore, instead of focusing on costly strategies, I focused on low-cost marketing solutions. Although strictly speaking none of these techniques is “free” – because you involve employees, there will be a payroll and associated costs-, they do not require enormous capital to be carried out.

All you need is some time, skill and the kind of perspective (focused and determined) that intelligent marketing demands.

Digital Guruji : How far do you think you’ve come since you started working?

Neeraj Rathore : I have come a long way. From 2014 to 2020, I was having nothing in the initial stages of the start up but slowly and gradually, I gained success, money and respect. This thing was a dream for me, which is now a reality.

Digital Guruji : How do you define success?

Neeraj Rathore : Success to each human being is different for each and there may vary for various criteria.
For me Success comes in 8 differing factors, namely Career, Education, Finance, Spiritual, Personal Relationships, Family & Love ❤, Egoistic Ideals, and finally Political Achievements.

Digital Guruji : Your previous jobs/ventures? What were you doing before choosing this field?

Neeraj Rathore : I was a manager in a transport company.

Digital Guruji : Tell us something about your education & family background.

Neeraj Rathore : I am a graduate and have completed the course of website designing and IT solutions and my family is normal like any other.

Digital Guruji : How has been the support from friends and family? 

Neeraj Rathore : Friends and family are very important in one’s life. They are like oxygen when we want to reach the summit of any mountain.They stand by us in our obstacles,in our miserable days.When the whole world misunderstands you,they whisper in your ear, “We are with you, proceed in your life”. I can remember my initial days. When I got bad results in this field, my mother always encouraged me that I would certainly do good in the next try and by her inspiring words I did good in the next try.Till now she does the same work.

In my personal life I am grateful to my family and friend who always stand by me in my difficult time. For their support I can see positivity even in the lightning of a stormy night. Family and friends are really the most precious thing in anybody’s life. They teach us the value of any relationship in the world.

Digital Guruji : Any Educational / Special Achievements you want to share with us?

Neeraj Rathore : Yeah, I did website designing and IT courses.

Digital Guruji : Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming a successful entrepreneur?

Neeraj Rathore : Yes, Only Hard Work and Patience.

Digital Guruji : If you had a magic stick, which are the two things you would change in the world?

Neeraj Rathore : If there is one thing I would want to wish for, it would be a change in our network. A more expanded and well connected (tight) network to be exact. Lastly put all things in order and obey good rules so everybody would have same and fare responsibility obligation happiness blessing disciplined to each and everyone in this whole wide world that we must take care for.

Digital Guruji : If not the current profession, what would you have been?

Neeraj Rathore : I must have been working in a company and making around 10-15 thousands a month and leaving a normal life like any other.

Digital Guruji : What keeps you going and who inspires you the most?

Neeraj Rathore : My favourite motivational quote is

“You are the captain of your ship, and the master of your faith.”

Digital Guruji : Can you describe/outline your typical day?

Neeraj Rathore : Here is my Daily Routine:

● Have an alarm for 8 am. Snooze it two times and finally open the eyes by
8:20. Search for the phone and skim through the notifications, first
WhatsApp then Instagram, Twitter and Facebook in that order.

● Finally gets off the bed by 9 am, brush and then goes to the kitchen.
Make coffee and then make rice for lunch. (Curry would be made on the
previous day).

● Clock in at the office by 10:15. Begins the day by checking the unread
mails and taking a quick look at the meetings scheduled for the day.

● I have a lot of work . I’ll finish up any work from the previous day and
then go for lunch by 12:30.

● Come back by 1 pm and then the real work starts. Next 5 hours would be
busy with work and meetings. Take a 30 minutes break for a coffee at
3:30 and make phone calls to home and friends.

● Finish up the work by 6:15.

● Play Call of Duty or FIFA for an hour and then cook dishes for the next
day. Have dinner with the curry and rice (made in the morning). Make
phone calls to the friends in the same time zone (occasionally).

● Watch a movie and sleep on the couch and wake up by 2 or 3 am and go
to bed.

Digital Guruji : If you were given a choice of meeting any person you want, who will be that person?

Neeraj Rathore : Bhuvan Bam.

Digital Guruji : What is the biggest misconception that you think people have about you?

Neeraj Rathore : They all think good about me and appreciate my efforts. There are no misconceptions.

Digital Guruji : What are your ideals / Principals?

Neeraj Rathore : My ideals / Principals are:

  1. I am honest – I say the truth pretty much always. Majority because I
    JUST CAN’T PULL OFF A CONVINCING LIE. I get caught in a very cheap manner. So whatever be the insults or embarrassments, I am honest and I get done with it then and there.
  2. I value friendship big time- I might not be the one to be there to
    message a good morning or a good night everyday, but one can be rest assured that I will be there when one needs me the most. I can be
    banked upon blindly. Cons come along too in such a way that I tell my
    opinions upfront. How much ever mean that might be. I tell them to the person concerned and never ever to any third person. Period.
  3. I value life- To the extent that I don’t jump signals, as a principle. I find it cruel to die on the road, in peak hours, full of dust and noise around.

Also read : Interview with Vikas Singh Bisht – Youngest Cyber Security Expert of Uttarakhand

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